Welcome back to The War Series, Dressed To Kill. this is our last week of The War Series: Dressed to Kill. We have discussed so much within the last 8 weeks, and my hope is that this series has inspired you, and pushed you into purpose. I hope that the knowledge and wisdom God has laid on my heart reaches and touches the minds that are willing to begin or strengthen their journey with God. I pray that you will continue to walk boldly in the purpose that God has called you to walk in. That you will fight fiercely, and dangerously against the enemy's attacks. I pray that God strengthens you in all your ways. Amen.
Today’s post will be an official series overview with questions on all the topics that we have learned and discussed throughout the series. We covered a lot in this series but it's only to prepare us spiritually for the war that the enemy has against us. Use this outline and guide to go back and review and take notes on things that you missed or need to study more on. Remember this is your exam week to study and ace your test. Study and test wisely!
In order to graduate spiritually, you have to pass these courses!
Practice! Relearn! Refine!
Week 1
Decision-Making Process
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16:10-11
Before you achieve a set goal or idea, the first thing that needs to happen is to think of the idea itself and brainstorm the possible steps that you have to take to accomplish that set goal or task.
This procedure is called The Decision Making Process. As human beings, we decide on a lot of things throughout the day and even throughout our lives. On average many people make 35,000 decisions per day whether they are big or small. When it comes to deciding to follow Christ, be ready to face the enemy as well. This is just what happens when you choose to be a follower of Christ. It’s almost like the enemy fights you harder once you make this conscious decision.
When we do decide to make this pivoting decision we must prep ourselves for the intensive training that we will soon begin to start.
Topics Discussed:
> What is Spiritual Warfare? Why is it so important?
>Target Practice
>Preparing yourself spiritually to Sharpen Your Aim
> Establishing a new mindset
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Ask our Heavenly Father to help you in your Spiritual Warfare Journey. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.
The more you know about spiritual warfare the better.
Read and study through the book Ephesians.
Knowing the areas that are under attack is vital and anticipating the attack makes you aware. This can line up your defense by praying and strengthening your aim. Be strong in the Lord, and do not lean on your own understanding, God sees the attack before it is even a problem for us.
Consistency is key in seeing or feeling results. Keep pressing and pushing!
There’s no limit to how much time you stay in this phase, but continue to focus on God and he will direct your path.
Questions for Reflection
What is spiritual warfare and why is it important?
Do you want to improve your spiritual life?
What are some areas in your life that pose the greatest threat to the enemy? Be sure to think about it and ask God for help.
Are you ready for Target Practice?
Week 2
But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness;
1 Timothy 4:7
Topics Discussed:
> Basic Training Phases: Week 0: Reception Battalion, and Weeks 1-3 Red Phase
> It All Starts At Your Core
> 1st Official Uniform: The Tactical Belt
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Always take your walk with God seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting in the battalion stage or you’re in Week 1-3: Red Phase and have been there for 5 months or 30 years. If you keep going, I promise you, you will never be in the same place that you once started. Keep moving, Keep learning, Keep Breathing.
To secure the Tactical Belt around our waist we must come to the source of it and that’s through Jesus Christ, who is our savior. We have to tie, buckle, snap, or clip the belt of honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, sincerity, truthfulness, kindness, meekness, and patience around us because all of these things revert back to Christ who is the Living Word of Truth.
With the belt wrapped around our waist, we must hold fast to God’s truth and allow his truth in our lives, minds, and spirit.
Remaining in alignment with truth through the Word of God will allow you to walk in safe pathways.
Always remember to read your bible consistently, the more you read the less likely you will be tempted or fall for the devil's scheme.
Questions for Reflection
Do you have self–discipline, self-control, and the willpower to sustain consistency? Yes or No. If not, what are some ways that I can train in that area?
Are you truly ready to start your spiritual training? Why or Why not?
Are you living in truth according to God’s Word and His Belt? Why or Why not?
How can you apply the Belt of Truth to your life?
Week 3
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
Topics Discussed:
> The Bulletproof Vest requires us to take off our "Former Life" to prepare us for our "New Life" in Christ. We cannot wear this vest properly if we operate in our old habits and ways.
> Recognizing our Old Civilian Life & our New Trained Warrior Life
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Will my flesh ever cooperate? 10 out of 10, your flesh will never cooperate with you. The flesh is an uncontrollable and consuming urge for something. It provokes you to get into things we have no business engaging in. Is my flesh under control? Don't let your flesh control you, you control it by being radical worshippers ofChrist.
Try your best with living according to God's word. Take it day by day, hour by hour if you need to. But at least try. This battle will not be easy and it will be uncomfortable because it requires self-discipline and the act of going against the flesh. Remember, always be strong in the Lord, because he is your strength!
To act justly is to act in righteousness, both are one in the same.
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." Ask yourself this question, Lord, how can I be righteous through and through? How can I look righteous on the outside as well as washed and cleansed on the inside?
We must always be vigilant and ready when walking in peace. To be agile and ready and willing when putting on this armor.
To walk in peace is to be easily frazzled, frustrated, or offended. To have some self-restraint and discipline that the devil will be so frustrated with you that he can not trigger you into sin. This is the epitome of walking in peace.
Satan wants to worry you to death, stress you out, and make you have complications with your health and body. He wants to drive you crazy that you will try to end it all yourself. He wants to make you believe that there’s no way out, that God has completely given up on you and you no longer deserve Him at all. He wants you to think that no one, including God, will ever love you because you’re too sinful. Anxiety, heartache, turmoils, diseases, sickness, and death are all tactics of Satan to wear you OUT with afflictions and steal your PEACE! Remember God is The Prince of Peace, He is the creator of Joy, and you have to meditate on God’s characteristics in order to have peace.
Walk-in PEACE, not PIECES!
Change the nature in which you approach things. Change your response. Your attitude, your tone, and your behavior change according to God’s Word.
Don’t allow yourself to be broken trying to fix broken situations, equip yourself with PEACE in all situations, immediately!
Peace terrifies Satan! So go in Peace!
Questions for Reflection
What are some things that you currently do that are not of God? How can you “Put Off” these old habits or things and “Pull On” the habits or attributes that align with God and his word?
Is your spirit convicted about something? Are you listening or are you ignoring the conviction? If so what is it and why are you ignoring it?
Do you have peace in your life? If not what is disrupting your peace?
Do you bring forth peach to other people? Are you grounded in peace?
Is your mind in perfect peace with God?
Week 4
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Romans 10:17
Topics Discussed:
> Spiritual Intel on Flaming Arrow Tactics
> There's power in numbers
>Testudo Formation: Finding or being a Testudo Fellowship
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Satan knows that he cannot destroy you because you are kept by God, but he will surely waste your time on unnecessary things like worry and stress. Don’t let him win.
Produce an unstoppable barrier of faith that the enemy can not push through. To achieve that, begin asking God to show you how and to help you. Also, stay in your Word and turn off all devices and distractions.
Make sure you have a Testudo fellowship, if you don’t have one, then ask your Heavenly Father for one! Establish what you lack and make no excuses as to why you don’t have it!
Know what flaming arrows are in your life. Depression, suicide, malice, frustration, envy, mean and hateful thoughts, wickedness, lies, deceit, fear, sadness, suffering, pain, distrust from others, deception, heartache, distractions, unforgiveness, bitterness, blaming others for your problems, doubt, anger, and unbelief. All of these and more can be attacking you right now. Know them by name and activate your faith right now to extinguish them and push the devil back!
The Hard Hat is essential because it protects the brain. Without the brain, there is no function for the rest of the body.
We have to protect the mind to preserve the body!
To be of the world will result in death, but to be spiritually equipt is to be about your Father’s business.
I'd rather be in perfect peace with God than to be in pieces at the hands of my enemy
Committing fully to obeying God will ensure that your Hard Hat is tightened securely.
Questions for Reflection
Do you have full coverage faith or partial faith? If it is partial faith what are some ways you can improve your faith?
How strong is your faith? can it withstand the attacks?
In what areas of your life do you feel are under attack by Satan’s flaming arrows?
Are you spiritually decapitated? Why or why not? Am I spiritually lost or feel cut off from my faith or God? Do I feel like I am cutting myself off from God because of my sinful nature and desires?
Has your desire for satisfying your flesh crippled you spiritually? If so in what ways?
How can you start walking in salvation?
Is my mind exposed to the enemy or am I covered by the protection of my Hard Hat?
Week 5
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Topics Discussed:
> How accurate is your Aim with your Assault Rife?
> How to effectively use your Assault Rifle?
> Roman Combat Training
>What is Prayer? How to use it effectively?
>Sending in the Calvery
>Establishing prayer Tactics
Golden Words of Wisdom:
With the Sword of the Spirit, we need to believe and have confidence in the scriptures while allowing the Holy Scripture to lead, help, convict and guide us. To show confidence is to read and study the Word of God. Now, I’m not staying, you have to know the bible forward and backward for it to work accordingly, that’s not what I’m saying. Don’t get me wrong, it’s always great to read your bible and know scripture; but nowadays people can read and memorize scripture and still don’t have a clue to what it means nor can they fully grasp the meaning of it. The Bible says that the Word of God is living and active, and we must believe in it wholeheartedly.
It was by the Spirit that the bible was written. Everything is done in the spirit. The Holy Spirit uses the Word to renew and transform the souls of the people who are called by the name of the Lord so they may walk according to the Word set out by God. It is the Holy Spirit that equips us to strike Satan and his schemes with the Sword (the Word) at the right time and at the right angle.
God was intentional about creating you; so we should at least be intentional about connecting with Him in prayer.
Consistency in Prayer trumps occasionally in prayer
Answered Prayers are Prayers that have been prayed for. Keep praying until something happens, and when it happens remain praying.
You have to read the Word to shape and change your mindset through prayer
Questions for Reflection
Is reading the word a priority for you?
What does the Sword of the Spirit mean to you?
How is your prayer life? Does it need improving?
Do I know the difference between using my Assault Rifle as an Offensive Tactic and a Defensive Tactic?
Week 6
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
James 1: 2-3
Topics Discussed:
> The White Phase: Weeks 4-5
> Roman Recruitment Regime
> Marching, Combat, and Calvery Training
> More Battle Formations: The Phalanx, Maniple, Cohort Formations and Calvery Soilders
> F3EA cycle: Military Tactic that we turned into a spiritual tactic to identify the enemy
>FIND: Identifying the target. Gaining intel using the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Learning to be vigilant and active in your spiritual journey is critical.
Being able to identify not only your errors in life but a problem that needs fixing and actively finding ways to solve them and bring forth a different outcome is vital. This, alone exercises your self-awareness to be able to say, “Oh this is the problem or I am the problem, and how can I fix it.”
Whether you know it or not Satan is our target and our enemy in this battle. He is a trickster and shows his tactics by hiding behind things like idolatry and false doctrine, family members, and so much more. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. Matthew 13:19 This is another scripture that displays who Satan is and his desperate attempt in trying to keep Christ out of our lives.
When you know proper information about your target, Satan, you will be more inclined in responding accordingly when he attacks.
Questions for Reflection
Can you recognize that there are problems in your life?
How can you fix your issues without hindering your spiritual lifeline?
What do you think about the F3EA cycling tactic that the military uses to find their target?
Knowing what you know about Satan and the ways he corrupts the people of God; are you prepared for his schemes? Have you dressed accordingly?
How well can you spiritually operate when brought to new highs?
Am I able to fully function spiritually with no visibility to where God may be taking me?
How well can you swiftly adapt to a battle formation?
Week 7
The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 3:21
Topics Discussed:
> 2nd letter of the F3EA: FIX
> FIX: Locked in Target: The enemy is under surveillance; gaining information on the target’s whereabouts
> New Age Religion, Baphomet, Witches, Medians, Fortunetellers, False Prophets
> FINISH: Action is enforced; by way of attacking or capturing the target: Satan’s Infiltrating Tactics
> Demonic Symbols, The Music Industry, Hollywood Celebrities, Company Logos, Hidden Agendas, Hollywood TV Shows, and Movies
Golden Words of Wisdom:
Satan is everywhere and he has his hands in everything. Staying “FIXED” or locked on to the target will help you to keep him under surveillance so that you will know where he is at all times. Keeping the Devil under surveillance will help prepare you for when he attacks. Satan is sneaky, manipulating, hypocritical, and a liar; he doesn’t care about you, please remember that. The sin that he advertises may seem interesting and even appealing but remember that it is a trap. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death.
We must know the Devil's infiltrating tactics. We must know the ways he influences not only us but our children, and families and combat those attacks using the Word of God.
Because people are so distracted and so distant from God; they are unaware or unable to recognize the truth anymore so it is easy for them to get pulled into the world's culture and customs.
If we are constantly in the Word, we should know what is true from the things that are not true in the world. The Bible is for reproof and correction and we need to constantly correct our actions, and live in accordance with God’s Word.
Questions for Reflection
How do you feel knowing this information about Satan? Does it make you want to gravitate to God more?
What did you think about 1 Samuel 28:1-20, do you think that Saul's punishment was just?
Can you see the Devil’s influences in your life or in your family?
Have you fallen into other practices that the world deems to be okay but are not aligned with what God’s will is?
Do I practice these newfound customs based on the world or based on God’s Word?
Week 8
A Breach in the Kingdom [Part 4] & Basic Training Details [Part 3]
I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:35
Topics Discussed:
> EXPLOIT: With gathered intel from phases FIND, FIX, and FINISH; here, we can make full use of the information gathered to integrate the target showcasing their vulnerabilities and weakness.
> Satan's Plan
>ANALYZE: In this stage, all information is reviewed and notified so that in the future they know what worked and what needed improvement.
>PHASE REVIEW: General understanding of all 3 Basic Training Stages: Red, White, and Blue Phase
Golden Words of Wisdom:
As a follower of Christ, your call to action requires your constant attention and it requires you to focus on God. You are to take what you have learned about the armor and apply it to your life and to yourself daily. You must take a step back and allow the Holy Spirit to move within you governing and monitoring your hearts and minds at all times.
You must overcome the desires of the flesh so that you can better operate and serve the Lord. You must continually live by and uphold the commandments of God so that you may one day hear him say “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” The road will not be easy, you will be tempted, you will have setbacks, you will have trials and tribulations, but you will also have good days, you will get through it all with Jesus Christ, and you will be strong if you lean on God’s understanding and not your own.
Practice keeps your skills sharp and your reflexes vigilant in battle.
Use and rely on your training!
Questions for Reflection
Has your perspective changed or shifted? Are there things that you once did that you are motivated to change about yourself now? If so what?
What are some areas that I need to build, work on, practice, or be more proficient in?
What does your spiritual marksmanship look like? Are your skills sharp?
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
When going over your exam and looking through your courses, take your time going over this information, as it can be challenging, inspiring, transformative, and yet well worth the effort. Be patient with yourself and always use God as your source of help when passing these courses. Remember to always remain teachable, and a student, always in training to become an ever better Christian Warrior. Never give up in your training, for it is our training that grounds us in the Lord.
Stay tuned for the next blog post!!!