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Motivational Mondays #11: The Power of Affirmations

Writer's picture: A Golden DreamA Golden Dream

Motivational Monday's topic is: The Power of Affirmations

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed. I use affirmations because when I step out into the world society already informs you what beauty is. How to look, how to dress, if you don't have this then you're an outsider. The world changes every day. It's important to know who I am and Who I am before leaving the house in the morning. We all are in the world but we are not of the world. We are here on loan. What keeps me motivated and level headed is practicing daily affirmations.

Daily Affirmations

Here are some examples of affirmations that you can use on a daily basis. Pick a few that resonate with you or simply write your own and use them in your Spiritual Maintenance Plan!

  • I Am Loved

  • I Am Enough

  • Today Will Have A Great Day

  • I Am A Child Of God

  • My Strength Is Greater Than My Struggle

  • I Can Do All Things Through Christ

  • The Lord Is My Shepherd

  • I Am Smart

  • I Am Okay

  • I Am Doing My Best

  • I Am Proud Of Myself

  • I Am Free Of Worry And Regrets

The purpose of affirmations is to remind yourself of these things despite what your current situation is. Positivity brings positivity. One must get to a place that fixes your thoughts on good things and then strive to accomplish them. That's why affirmations are important.

How To Use Affirmations:

  1. Make a list of affirmations, you can gladly use the ones I wrote out above.

  2. Once you have your list put it in a place where you can look at it daily. (I put mine on my bathroom mirror.)

  3. Read your list out loud and repeat as needed

Make A Daily Affirmation List Today!


**I hope everyone has a safe and blessed week and I will see you all on Saturday for our Weekly Topic Saturdays**

~Just Breathe...A Golden Dream~


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A Golden Dream
A Golden Dream
Nov 06, 2020

Hi Amore' Yes ma'am, what a man thinketh he is so. Fueling and transforming our mind is a battle. You have to have a solid foundation of who you are because the world will have you thinking all kinds of crazy. So taking the time to remind yourself who's you are and who you are. Be Blessed.


Amore' Bri
Amore' Bri
Nov 02, 2020

Hey Golden Fam,

This is a vey powerful post. I agree with you I think that it is so important to say and speak positive things. I try and claim positivity or at least find the positives in every situation no matter what it is. I attended bible study at my church via zoom last week and one of the things that was talked about was positive affirmations. I think that writing affirmations down and posting them where we can see them is very helpful and super important because it helps to start the day off on a good foot. What I have learned is that positive affirmations are not just for morning use. They are for all day use.…


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